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Overcome Grief

Healthy Practices and How They Can Help You Overcome Grief

Healthy Practices and How They Can Help You Overcome Grief

Are you currently going through a challenging time in your life and experiencing grief? Maybe you recently lost a job, or a dear loved one passed away. Whatever the cause of your grief, it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

But there’s good news. Many people have discovered the effectiveness of creating healthy goals and habits to help them work through their pain. Today on Dr. Saleeby’s Health and Wellness Blog, we’re sharing some of the most popular techniques to assist you in overcoming your grief.


Practice Yoga

Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, and it can also teach you how to live in the moment. Many people practice yoga to help them find a sense of peace when they’re feeling stressed or anxious.

It can be especially helpful when you’re grieving. So whether it’s in the comfort of your home or at a studio, yoga is definitely worth checking out. If your home isn’t currently set up for yoga, be sure to read until the end to learn how you can make your space serene and inviting.


Make Sure You’re Getting Plenty of Sleep

Studies show that the average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep, but many people don’t get anywhere close to enough. Poor sleep can lead to an increased risk for mental health problems, heart disease, and diabetes.

When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it can be hard to slow down and let your body relax. So making sure you’ve gotten adequate rest will help with emotional as well as physical health.


Start Eating Healthy

One way to combat burnout is to start eating healthier. Healthy eating can provide a sense of emotional and physical comfort in times of grief. It can also provide you with the energy you need to accomplish your goals every day. If you’ve been grieving for a while, it may be difficult to know where to begin on your journey back to health, so consider investing in a meal delivery service or even work with a nutritionist. Avoid sugary and unhealthy snacks and eat vegetables, fruit, and nuts instead.


Reduce Stress by Eliminating Burnout

It’s important to find ways to combat burnout because it can lead to long-term physical and emotional illness. You might be feeling the effects of burnout if you often feel exhausted, have difficulty concentrating, have health problems that are difficult to shake, or have your heart racing often. 

Does your current career or job leave you feeling stressed and unfulfilled? It may be time for a rejuvenating change. Reach out to your network and amend your resume to include your latest experience and achievements.


Create a Serene Meditation Space

Did you know that creating a serene meditation space can also aid you in your journey of overcoming grief? The idea behind this is that if you are able to control the input that you receive, your emotional state will be improved. 

This means creating a home environment that has as little stimulation as possible and instead promotes feelings of peace and relaxation. You want to remove everything from the room that might make you feel stressed or uneasy. Also, try adding elements like candles and incense to help create the perfect atmosphere for relaxing and meditating

You also want to make sure your home environment is as peaceful as possible so as not to add any additional stressors. Start by decluttering for stress reduction, rearranging closets and cabinets for better organization, and creating a serene meditation space. 

Take time out of each day to do nothing and set expectations for how long you spend on tasks each day. In addition to these things, make it a point to establish boundaries in your life, like how many hours a day you work or how much time you spend on social media per day.


Seek Professional Help

You may have implemented some or all of these changes in your life but still feel burdened by grief. While there is no one-sized answer as to when you should seek the aid of a therapist, they can be helpful in times of grief. Meeting with a therapist online provides you with greater privacy and choice, enabling you to feel most comfortable. You may be concerned about the costs of therapy, especially if you don’t have insurance, but an online weekly session can be as low as $149; you can also have a one-off session for only $169. In the event that medication becomes desirable, your therapist can even refer you to a board-certified physician, helping you find relief.

Tapping into healthy activities and lifestyle choices can make a significant difference in your healing process. By addressing all aspects of your health, and implementing new goals, you can work through your grief and come out whole on the other side.

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