Natural Thyroid
HealingREQUEST AN APPOINTMENTMost people know that having an underactive thyroid gland can
leave you feel tired and run down. Did you know there are simple
nutritional ways to rehabilitate your thyroid?
Are you one of many thyroid patients that are ignored by your providers?
Are you told that normal TSH levels do not warrant adjustments in dose?
Have you been told that your persisting symptoms of fatigue, brain fog,
constipation are all “in your head”?
We are Thyroid Specialists with offices in Charleston and Murrells Inlet, SC. We offer the proper testing (not just a TSH and T4) and therapies to diagnose and treat hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroid disorders, auto -immune thyroid and sub-clinical hypothyroidism. Our physicians order hs-TSH, f-T3, f-T4, reverse-T3, TPO and TG-Ab titers.
We also utilize TSI-Ab and Ultrasound studies. Urine dry spot technology for Iodine and Selenium levels and genomic testing for THFR -mutations.
If you have sufferer from not being diagnosed correctly, or have been offered a limited number of therapies, it may be time to seek expert care.
We are here to make things right. Our physician and mid-level practitioners are leading authorities in the diagnosis and management of thyroid disorders in South Carolina.
What is Chronic Fatigue
One of the most common “chief complaints” of Americans today is chronic fatigue or low – energy. Multi-factorial in nature and with many things contributing, such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress at work, stress at home, environmental toxin exposure and bioaccumulation, hormone imbalance (especially thyroid and adrenals/HPA), disrupted sleep and lack of “alone time to meditate.”
Our approach of mind-body-spirit medicine takes into account all these factors and provides a road-map or blueprint to follow to get your life and energy back
Do you have any of these Hypothyroidism Symptoms?
- Feeling tired for no other apparent reason.
- Feeling of being overwhelmed or rundown.
- Trouble getting up in the morning, even after adequate sleep.
- Difficulty with healing, bouncing back after acute illness.
- Waxing and waning of symptoms at different times during the day.
Hypothyroidism in one of a few thyroid conditions that cause a person to not feel too well. Symptoms may be a few or many and can include: brain fog, weight gains, cold all the time, constipation, hair loss or thinning, elevations in cholesterol levels, bone loss, irregular periods and infertility. Besides Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism is actually the most common disease of the thyroid gland.
Dramatically increasing over the past few years it accounts for about 12% of the US population having hypothyroidism, 60% are actually going un-diagnosed. There are 5-times more women than men with this thyroid condition and one in eight (1:8) women suffer some form of hypothyroidism. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is one of the most common reasons for hypothyroidism and it is an autoimmune disorder. There are about 21-million prescriptions for Synthroid written annually and almost 50% of folks in America over the age of 50 are on this medication. Synthroid while one of the most prescribed drugs in the world turns out to not be the best fit for many patients.
It varies, if the underlying cause is identified and treated, there is a chance a patient can come off of thyroid-replacement-therapy. It is crucial for best treatment to start off knowing what the root cause is and addressing that as well.
Ready for a Consultation?
Don’t let poor health slow you down indefinitely. Schedule a consultation today with Carolina Holistic Medicine and let our team of world class holistic medicine specialists heal your body, deliver profound personalized healthcare, and get you back to your full and active healthy lifestyle.