Fatigue SyndromeREQUEST AN APPOINTMENTOne of the most common "chief complaints"
of Americans today is chronic fatigue or low-energy
Healing Topics
- Natural Hormone Replacement
- Predictive Testing
- Genomic Testing
- Holistic & Integrative Medicine
- Restorative & Functional Medicine
- Executive Wellness
- Chronic Lyme and Stealth Infections
- Chronic viral (COVID, EBV, other) infections
- Mold/Mycotoxin Illness
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- EMF/RF sensitivity
- SSRI and Psych medication injury
- Polypharmacy
- Shot and Vaccine Injuries
- Chronic Disease and Illness
- Mind-Body-Spirit healing
- Health and Nutritional Coaching
- Assistance to referral to centers of excellence for bespoke therapies
Sleep Problems? Extreme Fatigue? Joint Pain? Mental Tiredness?
Multi-factorial in nature and with many things contributing, such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress at work, stress at home, environmental toxin exposure and bioaccumulation, hormone imbalance (especially thyroid and adrenals/HPA), disrupted sleep and lack of, “alone time to meditate.”
Our approach of mind-body-spirit medicine takes into account all these factors and provides a road-map or blueprint to follow to get your life and energy back.
Fatigue has got to be the #1 complaint or most mentioned complaint in our office. Exhausted patients come to us for relief and are glad they found us as we are novel in our approach and direction we take to fix the problem.
Chronic Fatigue Symptoms
Why The Need For So Many Drugs?
Of the many causes there are virals infections that can linger for years that can contribute. Epstein Barr (EBV) is one such one. So can the viruses like CMV or HHV6 and others too. Diseases acquired from ticks such as Borrelia (Lyme), Babesia and Bartonella to name a few are other causes and can be overlooked or misdiagnosed.
Things that have been diagnosed as myalgic encephalomyelitis (the new name for Fibromyalgia) can have root cause in other disorders. Those with chronic fatigue need and deserve a broad workup to determine what is at the root of their symptoms.
Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by insomnia, hormone imbalances, joint and muscle pains, sleep disturbances, malaise and immune system dysfunction. Those with CFS are often sick all the time and have a hard and long time recovering from even the simplest of illness.
Do you have any of these Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms?
- Feeling tired for no other apparent reason.
- Feeling of being overwhelmed or rundown.
- Trouble getting up in the morning, even after adequate sleep.
- Difficulty with healing, bouncing back after acute illness.
- Waxing and waning of symptoms at different times during the day.
- Decreased sex drive.
- Insomnia, Depression and Anxiety.
- Decreased appetite.
If any one of these is an issue with you and your doctors are unable to find a root cause or even prescribe adequate therapy it may be time for the providers at Carolina Holistic Medicine to have a look.
Ready for a Consultation?
Don’t let poor health slow you down indefinitely. Schedule a consultation today with Carolina Holistic Medicine and let our team of world class holistic medicine specialists heal your body, deliver profound personalized healthcare, and get you back to your full and active healthy lifestyle.