Carolina Holistic
MedicineREQUEST AN APPOINTMENTRestorative Medicine means just that.
Restoration of the body, mind and spirit to youthful levels.
South Carolina Functional Doctor
Healing Topics
- Natural Hormone Replacement
- Predictive Testing
- Genomic Testing
- Holistic & Integrative Medicine
- Restorative & Functional Medicine
- Executive Wellness
- Chronic Lyme and Stealth Infections
- Chronic viral (COVID, EBV, other) infections
- Mold/Mycotoxin Illness
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- EMF/RF sensitivity
- SSRI and Psych medication injury
- Polypharmacy
- Shot and Vaccine Injuries
- Chronic Disease and Illness
- Mind-Body-Spirit healing
- Health and Nutritional Coaching
- Assistance to referral to centers of excellence for bespoke therapies
Healing Topics
- Natural Hormone Replacement
- Thyroid disorders (Hashimotos and Graves)
- Autoimmune disorders
- Predictive Testing Biomarkers
- Holistic & Integrative Medicine
- Restorative & Functional Medicine
- Natural & Organic Medicine
- Vector Borne Illness (Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, others)
- COVID and viral burden related (COVID, long-COVID, PASC, Vaccine injury)
- Healing Peptide Therapies
- Leaky Gut (Intestinal Permeability) resolution
- List Item #3
Our Mission
To Restore your body and mind to optimal and youthful levels.
We balance the body’s rhythms and hormones. We utilize cutting edge
laboratory and functional testing to bring into balance energy, nutrition, fitness, neurotransmitters and hormones.
Our Values
Embodying the concept of the whole person; holistic or integrative medicine seeks to balance the physical with the mental and spiritual. Making you healthy and well as a whole person.
Our Solution
Departing from “disease chasing” with prescription medications. Instead, using preventive medicine protocols avoiding degenerative disease & long term chronic illness.
Why You Should Join Us
Mind and Body Predominate Our Protocols
Ready for a Consultation?
Don’t let poor health slow you down indefinitely. Schedule a consultation today with Carolina Holistic Medicine and let our team of world class holistic medicine specialists heal your body, deliver profound personalized healthcare, and get you back to your full and active healthy lifestyle.